Isfahan Birth Cohort

Data collection methods

Our vision is to secure the potentials for international collaborations and taking part in consortia of European and regional cohorts in future international research projects. Accordingly, we will apply standardised questionnaires and protocols that are tailored and, where available, validated for the Iranian population and at the same time applied by established birth cohorts in Europe (e.g. INMA, MOBA, BiB, Generation R, and ALSPAC). This approach can also facilitate publication of the findings of PERSIAN cohort in high impact international journals.

The data collection will be based on the following methods that complement each other in order to cover multiple aspects of determinants of health and health outcomes:

  1. Computerized questionnaires
  2. Biological samples
  3. Physical examinations
  4. Clinical tests
  5. Hospital records
  6. Survey of living environment

Measures to ensure high turnout during follow-ups

At the time of recruitment, we will obtain the following information in order to achieve multiple was to access the percipients: XXX

To arrange the follow-up visit, first we will send a letter to participants one month before their follow-up time, informing them about the upcoming follow-up and what that follow-up will include (e.g. topics of questionnaires, types of biological samples, clinical exams, etc). Two weeks prior to the visit, the participants will be contacted over the phone and will be asked about their time availability to confirm the time and the date for the visit. One week and one day before the visit, the participants will be sent reminder text messages.